Rumford Falls
One day I was sitting on my couch, scrolling through my phone, when I came across an interesting piece of information: the largest US waterfall east of Niagara Falls was in Maine.
Inspiration and Reflection Through Tarot
Future-oriented thinking is essential. I need to be able to plan for tomorrow, to know what food to pick up at the grocery store and when it’s time for my next dentist appointment.
Guilt and Productivity
It’s snowing again. I have a completely unfounded expectation that there shouldn’t be snow in April…
Winter Blues
The weather tricked me into believing that we were headed for an early spring, but the past weekend left me sad and sore from shoveling a full foot of heavy, ice encrusted snow…
A Woman in the Gaming Industry
The video game industry has been experiencing massive layoffs…
The Creative Deficit
I've written about writer's block and resistance, but there's something else I think I should talk about and that's the creative deficit.
Patience in Suffering
I don't like going to bed. Not because I'm a night owl but because I don't sleep well on account of my chronic pain…