Winter Blues

icy water with a large red boat in the background

Route 1 near Jonesboro, ME

This post was originally published March 28, 2024.

The weather tricked me into believing that we were headed for an early spring, but the past weekend left me sad and sore from shoveling a full foot of heavy, ice encrusted snow. While I'm recovering, here's another picture post! This one features some snowy landscapes that I've visited while driving around Maine.

sun shining over snowy road

Greenville, ME

snowy mountainside overlooking snow covered pond surrounded by trees

Parks Pond Clifton, ME

large icicles hanging off a rock

Greenville, ME

sunset over snow-covered lake with ski tracks

Route 23 ME

lobster traps next to the snowy coastline

Fort Popham, ME

water cutting between ice on lake with mountains in the background

Route 6, ME

snow covered homes along the coastline

Popham Beach, ME

showy red plants next to a lake

Route 6, ME


Guilt and Productivity


Sick Day