Live The Questions Now.
I don’t generally re-read books. Parts of them, sure, but whole books? There’s just too many new books for me to spend my time reading instead. There is one book though, that I’ve read at least three times, front-to-back…
The Tip That Changed My Photos
A travel blog wouldn’t be very good if it didn’t have pictures, and even though I’ve moved beyond just writing about travel, I still know that a beautiful picture will draw in readers.
The Places Between 2
Some days I think to myself, “I really need to see the ocean right now…”
The Places Between
In last week's blog post, I mentioned that I have travelled to some places that I might not be able to write a full post about, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't share them!
My Biggest Travel Takeaway
I've been thinking a lot recently about how I almost didn't go to Norway…
Simple Things
The sun is shining and the blue sky is mottled with soft white clouds that drift slowly overhead…