The Inspiration Behind “Lost Shoes”
I grew up within walking distance of one of Maine’s many lakes…
Lost Shoes
This story was originally published in the limited time anthology Paul Bunyan Wears a Face Mask in 2020…
How I Discovered Web Design through a Library Pamphlet
During the summer of 2019, I was unemployed and open-minded…
I Wrote a Book on my Phone
Okay. I’ll admit it. I’m always on my phone right before bed. I know I shouldn’t be, but what if I told you it was actually a good thing?
A Woman in the Gaming Industry
The video game industry has been experiencing massive layoffs…
The Creative Deficit
I've written about writer's block and resistance, but there's something else I think I should talk about and that's the creative deficit.
The 100th Post!
It’s the 100th post! When I started this blog 7 years ago, I never considered reaching this milestone…
The Making of a Scene
Mondays. Like Garfield and many others, I’m not a fan of them, but over the last year, they’ve grown on me…